Criminal Defense Attorney Jack Rice on Court TV talking Forensics and Murder

A really interesting day appearing on Court TV with Ashley Willcott. There is a case in Florida where a man is accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend. As a result, I spent a lot of time talking about a range of fire, the direction of fire, stippling, and more. I guess trying a lot of gun cases over the years comes in handy.

Statements can change. Police procedures can succeed or fail. Pictures exist. However, forensics can change everything if you know what to look for. Whether it is entry wounds, exit wounds, range of fire, tattooing, or anything else, knowing what they are and the limitations can change everything.

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney. St. Paul based Jack Rice is a former prosecutor, former U.S. Federal Agent, Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, and experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.


Charged with a Violent Crime, Serious Assault or Murder in Minnesota? It Can Turn on the Forensics.


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