Date Rape Charges in Minnesota Can Destroy Your Life

Sex crimes are some of the most brutal charges that anybody can face. The jail and prison time speak for themselves . However, probation and sex offender registration requirements can be equally horrifying. Date rape is one of those charges that can destroy your entire life. Talk with an experienced sex crimes criminal defense attorney.

Date Rape Drugs

According to Minnesota law, date rape is defined as forcible sexual contact during a voluntary social engagement where a person does not intend to engage in sexual activities and resists the contact. It seems obvious when we are talking about somebody using certain so-called date rape drugs that exist and have been used in these instances. Frequent recent examples include:

    • Ketamine;

    • Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, better known as GHB;

    • Rohypnol, better know as ruffies.

Here is the Confusion 

What may seem less obvious is the use of alcohol or drugs where the people know one another. The confusion may occur because the victim doesn’t even need to reject the sexual contact and may even agree to it. Let’s add that they may know each other and may have had sexual contact in the past. It becomes a question of legal consent.

What about the circumstance where both people are drinking and both say yes? If one of those people subsequently claims they were under the influence, that consent may no longer count. That’s right. The “yes” may now not count. This is the law and the other person could be facing rape charges with everything that comes with that. This is sometimes one of the most common charges. It can certainly occur between strangers but is more likely to happen between acquaintances, friends, and even people who have had previous sexual contact. Previous contact is not a defense and neither is the fact that the drinking or drug use was voluntary by both parties. 

Minnesota Date Rape Lawyer

Date rape is an extremely serious crime and Minnesota aggressively prosecutes these charges. Contemplate how you move forward as a sex offender. If you or a loved one is facing date rape charges, it is critical to have an experienced Sex Crimes Lawyer who has years of handling these kinds of cases. Jack Rice Defense has been handling these kinds of charges for decades and Jack is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist.  Make sure you have him on your side. Contact for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339. Jack’s got your back.


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