How Does a Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney Build a Three Dimensional Defense?

Being charged with a criminal offense in Minnesota can be petrifying.  So much of what is going on is out of your control and it may feel like everything is predetermined.  This is simply not the case. An experienced Minnesota criminal defense lawyer can look at the underlying facts as well as some of the other issues that may not be so obvious to change the narrative and the outcome. However, this can only be done because of experience and capability. You can simply wing it and hope it plays out.  

“A great criminal defense attorney not only understands what is coming but also knows where you are trying to end up.”

In order to properly build a three dimensional criminal defense case, your lawyer must:

  • Establish a lawyer-client relationship with you and your family. It is about understanding your concerns and what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Appear with you at every stage of your case from bail argument to first appearance, pretrials, contested pretrials, trial proceedings and probation hearings.

  • Work with specialists including forensic scientists, psychologists, and counselors to support your defense claims and to determine other weaknesses in the government’s case.

  • Thoroughly examine all of the government’s evidence to determine what is true, half-true and absolutely false. This is a critical step in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the government’s case. Remember that the police can absolutely lie to you and the court has continued to sanction that behavior.

  • Establish any new evidence in your favor including witness testimony that may be presented at trial.

  • Throughout the process, your attorney must always be looking at trial and how to win. At the same time, understanding the alternatives to trial and the best possible options short of trial should also considered. This is about providing flexibility throughout the criminal process.

If you are facing serious criminal defense charges in Minnesota, this is not the time to try to go it alone or with a cut rate alternative. Its important to have somebody standing beside you who has been here before, knows what to do because they have done it countless times and knows all of the players in the room. This is how a Minnesota criminal defense attorney creates a three dimensional defense.

Jack Rice is a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist, a former prosecutor and former U.S. Federal Agent.  He was just recognized as the Minnesota Attorney of the Year and is listed by Minnesota Monthly’s 2022 Best Lawyers in Minnesota.  Contact Jack Rice Defense for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.  


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