If You Make A Self Defense Claim, You Better be Able to Support It. Jack Rice Court TV Video

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If you a charged with a crime and you make a self defense claim, you better be able to support it. It is about more than just saying something happened. You need to be able to point to evidence to support the claim. This often includes being prepared to testify. You need to be able to look those jurors in their faces and explain why you had no choice. If you can't do this, you are going to have some serious problems.

Self defense is frequently an affirmative defense in domestic assault trials, violent offenses and other serious criminal charges. Knowing this and the limitations of self defense are equally important.

Sometimes, self-defense is the only option in a Minnesota jury trial.

If you are facing serious criminal charges in Minnesota, contact awarded winning Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and Criminal Defense Attorney Jack Rice for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339

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