Why its so Important that a Criminal Defense Makes Sense - Court TV Video

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When a jury walks into a courtroom, they are generally not the happiest of people. They have lives and commitments, obligations or simply desires to be somewhere else. That being said, once they are in the room, many will shift actually take their jobs very seriously. As a result, when they deciding on a criminal case, they are certainly looking at it emotionally but they are also looking at it logically. St. Paul based criminal defense attorney and Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist Jack Rice appears on Court TV on 10/25/21 to discuss what happens when presenting a case that simply makes no sense.

A winning criminal defense requires that it make sense, that it “hold water.”

In my Cousin Vinny, the movie starring Joe Pesii who starred as a novice New York attorney who goes down south the defend his nephew, a young Ralph Macchio, asks a very serious question to his extremely irritated girlfriend, played by Marisa Tomei. Very simply, “Does the Defense's case hold water.” A jury wants to know that too. as a result, when preparing for such a trial, this simple line, while mentioned in a comedy actually carries far more weight in real life than the creators of the movie ever thought.

If you are facing murder, rape, serious felonies or even a DWI charge, it is critical that your case hold water. Because of this, make sure you have an experienced criminal defense attorney at your side.

Jack Rice is a Board Certified criminal law specialist and an experienced criminal defense attorney. Contact Jack for a free confidential consultation or call 651-447-7650 or 612-227-1339.

Watch Jack’s Appearance on Court TV


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